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How do you 2432902008176640000/(-2+x)^21 in partial fractions?

An expression to simplify:

The solution

You have entered [src]
     (-2 + x)      
$$\frac{2432902008176640000}{\left(x - 2\right)^{21}}$$
2432902008176640000/(-2 + x)^21
Fraction decomposition [src]
2432902008176640000/(-2 + x)^21
$$\frac{2432902008176640000}{\left(x - 2\right)^{21}}$$
     (-2 + x)      
Common denominator [src]
            21               6               8              4              10              12              2             14           16          18       20        19          17            15                          13              3              11               9               5               7
-2097152 + x   - 1778122752*x  - 1666990080*x  - 784465920*x  - 722362368*x   - 150492160*x   - 110100480*x  - 14883840*x   - 651168*x   - 10640*x   - 42*x   + 840*x   + 95760*x   + 3472896*x   + 22020096*x + 52093440*x   + 348651520*x  + 361181184*x   + 1203937280*x  + 1333592064*x  + 1905131520*x 
$$\frac{2432902008176640000}{x^{21} - 42 x^{20} + 840 x^{19} - 10640 x^{18} + 95760 x^{17} - 651168 x^{16} + 3472896 x^{15} - 14883840 x^{14} + 52093440 x^{13} - 150492160 x^{12} + 361181184 x^{11} - 722362368 x^{10} + 1203937280 x^{9} - 1666990080 x^{8} + 1905131520 x^{7} - 1778122752 x^{6} + 1333592064 x^{5} - 784465920 x^{4} + 348651520 x^{3} - 110100480 x^{2} + 22020096 x - 2097152}$$
2432902008176640000/(-2097152 + x^21 - 1778122752*x^6 - 1666990080*x^8 - 784465920*x^4 - 722362368*x^10 - 150492160*x^12 - 110100480*x^2 - 14883840*x^14 - 651168*x^16 - 10640*x^18 - 42*x^20 + 840*x^19 + 95760*x^17 + 3472896*x^15 + 22020096*x + 52093440*x^13 + 348651520*x^3 + 361181184*x^11 + 1203937280*x^9 + 1333592064*x^5 + 1905131520*x^7)
Numerical answer [src]
1160098079765.63/(-1 + 0.5*x)^21
1160098079765.63/(-1 + 0.5*x)^21