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Cos3xcos5x-sin3xsin5x=0 equation

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cos(3*x)*cos(5*x) - sin(3*x)*sin(5*x) = 0
$$- \sin{\left(3 x \right)} \sin{\left(5 x \right)} + \cos{\left(3 x \right)} \cos{\left(5 x \right)} = 0$$
The graph
Numerical answer [src]
x1 = -61.8501053675491
x2 = -15.9043128087983
x3 = 60.2793090407542
x4 = -10.0138265833175
x5 = -85.8047493511712
x6 = 53.9961237335746
x7 = 2.15984494934298
x8 = 74.0237769002095
x9 = -21.7947990342792
x10 = 22.1874981159779
x11 = 10.0138265833175
x12 = -45.7494430179014
x13 = -25.7217898512664
x14 = 55.9596191420682
x15 = -81.877758534184
x16 = 72.0602814917159
x17 = -35.9319659754333
x18 = 11.9773219918111
x19 = 18.2605072989907
x20 = -3.73064127613788
x21 = -39.8589567924205
x22 = -83.8412539426776
x23 = 44.1786466911065
x24 = -1.76714586764426
x25 = -6.87223392972767
x26 = -99.9419162923253
x27 = -55.9596191420682
x28 = 38.2881604656256
x29 = 40.2516558741192
x30 = 66.169795266235
x31 = -89.7317401681585
x32 = 52.0326283250809
x33 = 94.0514300668444
x34 = 84.2339530243763
x35 = 15.1189146454009
x36 = 88.1609438413636
x37 = 33.9684705669396
x38 = 28.0779843414588
x39 = -67.7405915930299
x40 = -43.7859476094077
x41 = -41.8224522009141
x42 = -11.9773219918111
x43 = 70.0967860832223
x44 = 8.05033117482385
x45 = 82.2704576158827
x46 = 75.9872723087031
x47 = 90.1244392498572
x48 = 4.1233403578366
x49 = -47.712938426395
x50 = 96.0149254753381
x51 = -69.7040870015235
x52 = 20.2240027074843
x53 = -77.9507677171967
x54 = -19.8313036257856
x55 = 92.0879346583508
x56 = 16.2970118904971
x57 = 68.1332906747286
x58 = -97.9784208838317
x59 = -79.9142631256904
x60 = 97.9784208838317
x61 = 62.2428044492478
x62 = -30.0414797499524
x63 = 24.1509935244715
x64 = -33.9684705669396
x65 = -87.7682447596649
x66 = 64.2062998577414
x67 = -57.9231145505618
x68 = -74.0237769002095
x69 = -96.0149254753381
x70 = -59.8866099590554
x71 = 48.1056375080937
x72 = 0.196349540849362
x73 = 50.0691329165873
x74 = 46.1421420996001
x75 = 86.1974484328699
x76 = -52.0326283250809
x77 = -23.7582944427728
x78 = 168.271556507903
x79 = 30.0414797499524
x80 = 42.2151512826128
x81 = -13.9408174003047
x82 = -53.9961237335746
x83 = -75.9872723087031
x84 = -90.9098374132546
x85 = 26.1144889329652
x86 = 79.9142631256904
x87 = -54.781521896972
x88 = -65.7770961845363
x89 = 32.004975158446
x90 = -94.4441291485432
x91 = -63.8136007760427
x92 = -17.8678082172919
x93 = -32.004975158446
x94 = -37.8954613839269
x95 = -8.05033117482385
x96 = 6.08683576633022
x97 = 77.9507677171967
x97 = 77.9507677171967