Given the inequality: (5log(x)+2)+log(x)<1 To solve this inequality, we must first solve the corresponding equation: (5log(x)+2)+log(x)=1 Solve: Given the equation (5log(x)+2)+log(x)=1 56log(x)=−1 Let's divide both parts of the equation by the multiplier of log =6/5 log(x)=−65 This equation is of the form:
By definition log
then x=e−561 simplify x=e−65 x1=e−65 x1=e−65 This roots x1=e−65 is the points with change the sign of the inequality expression. First define with the sign to the leftmost point: x0<x1 For example, let's take the point x0=x1−101 = −101+e−65 = −101+e−65 substitute to the expression (5log(x)+2)+log(x)<1 log(−101+e−65)+5log(−101+e−65)+2<1