Graph of the function intersects the axis X at f = 0
so we need to solve the equation:
$$e^{- 2 x} x = 0$$
Solve this equationThe points of intersection with the axis X:
Analytical solution$$x_{1} = 0$$
Numerical solution$$x_{1} = 21.045566517455$$
$$x_{2} = 52.7882512606652$$
$$x_{3} = 0$$
$$x_{4} = 36.8478410712821$$
$$x_{5} = 90.7374687213724$$
$$x_{6} = 84.7422125786474$$
$$x_{7} = 70.7567190665171$$
$$x_{8} = 72.7542720741067$$
$$x_{9} = 88.7389732689306$$
$$x_{10} = 46.8050290067642$$
$$x_{11} = 44.8117934734258$$
$$x_{12} = 106.727589310741$$
$$x_{13} = 60.7716558547915$$
$$x_{14} = 76.7497953700779$$
$$x_{15} = 82.743959404134$$
$$x_{16} = 42.8193067000071$$
$$x_{17} = 17.2019322374056$$
$$x_{18} = 68.7593230252746$$
$$x_{19} = 56.7792932548714$$
$$x_{20} = 102.729751891747$$
$$x_{21} = 96.733354354677$$
$$x_{22} = 108.726571333614$$
$$x_{23} = 50.7933377610053$$
$$x_{24} = 54.7835866004374$$
$$x_{25} = 48.7989062666094$$
$$x_{26} = 66.7620995836363$$
$$x_{27} = 80.7458001354877$$
$$x_{28} = 24.9623739768123$$
$$x_{29} = 74.7519682501478$$
$$x_{30} = 40.8277010740674$$
$$x_{31} = 94.7346637830271$$
$$x_{32} = 19.1094084394257$$
$$x_{33} = 38.8371423706663$$
$$x_{34} = 32.8741817192005$$
$$x_{35} = 26.9336061561789$$
$$x_{36} = 58.7753284772699$$
$$x_{37} = 28.9101563450688$$
$$x_{38} = 100.730901861277$$
$$x_{39} = 15.3512835816058$$
$$x_{40} = 104.728648638889$$
$$x_{41} = 30.8906584686652$$
$$x_{42} = 34.8600686649078$$
$$x_{43} = 98.7321015813734$$
$$x_{44} = 86.740552644349$$
$$x_{45} = 64.7650665265292$$
$$x_{46} = 22.9985568426417$$
$$x_{47} = 78.7477425643428$$
$$x_{48} = 62.7682441747585$$
$$x_{49} = 110.725592331161$$
$$x_{50} = 92.7360338021631$$