Graph of the function intersects the axis X at f = 0
so we need to solve the equation:
$$\sin{\left(x \right)} + \sin{\left(x + 120 \right)} = 0$$
Solve this equationThe points of intersection with the axis X:
Analytical solution$$x_{1} = - i \log{\left(- e^{- 60 i} \right)}$$
$$x_{2} = -60 + 20 \pi$$
Numerical solution$$x_{1} = 49.9557428756428$$
$$x_{2} = -81.9911485751285$$
$$x_{3} = 65.6637061435917$$
$$x_{4} = -69.4247779607694$$
$$x_{5} = 87.6548547187203$$
$$x_{6} = -3.45133223538372$$
$$x_{7} = 90.7964473723101$$
$$x_{8} = 15.398223686155$$
$$x_{9} = -41.1504440784612$$
$$x_{10} = 62.5221134900019$$
$$x_{11} = -56.8584073464102$$
$$x_{12} = -31.7256661176919$$
$$x_{13} = -38.0088514248714$$
$$x_{14} = 43.6725575684632$$
$$x_{15} = 24.8230016469244$$
$$x_{16} = 81.3716694115407$$
$$x_{17} = 40.5309649148734$$
$$x_{18} = 34.2477796076938$$
$$x_{19} = -47.4336293856408$$
$$x_{20} = -97.6991118430775$$
$$x_{21} = 71.9468914507713$$
$$x_{22} = -94.5575191894877$$
$$x_{23} = -34.8672587712817$$
$$x_{24} = -25.4424808105123$$
$$x_{25} = -16.0177028497429$$
$$x_{26} = -75.707963267949$$
$$x_{27} = -63.1415926535898$$
$$x_{28} = -28.5840734641021$$
$$x_{29} = -72.5663706143592$$
$$x_{30} = 53.0973355292326$$
$$x_{31} = -91.4159265358979$$
$$x_{32} = 56.2389281828223$$
$$x_{33} = 18.5398163397448$$
$$x_{34} = -53.7168146928204$$
$$x_{35} = 93.9380400258999$$
$$x_{36} = 97.0796326794897$$
$$x_{37} = -12.8761101961531$$
$$x_{38} = 9.11503837897545$$
$$x_{39} = -9.73451754256331$$
$$x_{40} = 37.3893722612836$$
$$x_{41} = -66.2831853071796$$
$$x_{42} = 31.106186954104$$
$$x_{43} = -100.840704496667$$
$$x_{44} = 100.221225333079$$
$$x_{45} = -0.309739581793928$$
$$x_{46} = -78.8495559215388$$
$$x_{47} = 5.97344572538566$$
$$x_{48} = -19.1592955033327$$
$$x_{49} = 46.814150222053$$
$$x_{50} = -85.1327412287183$$
$$x_{51} = 68.8052987971815$$
$$x_{52} = 84.5132620651305$$
$$x_{53} = -6.59292488897352$$
$$x_{54} = 27.9645943005142$$
$$x_{55} = -44.292036732051$$
$$x_{56} = -88.2743338823081$$
$$x_{57} = 59.3805208364121$$
$$x_{58} = 12.2566310325652$$
$$x_{59} = -327.035375555132$$
$$x_{60} = 2.83185307179586$$
$$x_{61} = -22.3008881569225$$
$$x_{62} = 78.2300767579509$$
$$x_{63} = -50.5752220392306$$
$$x_{64} = 75.0884841043611$$
$$x_{65} = 21.6814089933346$$
$$x_{66} = -60$$