The teacher will be very surprised to see your correct solution to the integral 😉
The above examples also contain:
the modulus or absolute value: absolute(x) or |x|
square roots sqrt(x),
cubic roots cbrt(x)
trigonometric functions:
sinus sin(x), cosine cos(x), tangent tan(x), cotangent ctan(x)
exponential functions and exponents exp(x)
inverse trigonometric functions:
arcsine asin(x), arccosine acos(x), arctangent atan(x),
arccotangent acot(x)
natural logarithms ln(x),
decimal logarithms log(x)
hyperbolic functions:
hyperbolic sine sh(x), hyperbolic cosine ch(x),
hyperbolic tangent and cotangent tanh(x), ctanh(x)
inverse hyperbolic functions:
hyperbolic arcsine asinh(x), hyperbolic arccosinus acosh(x),
hyperbolic arctangent atanh(x), hyperbolic arccotangent acoth(x)
other trigonometry and hyperbolic functions:
secant sec(x), cosecant csc(x), arcsecant asec(x),
arccosecant acsc(x), hyperbolic secant sech(x),
hyperbolic cosecant csch(x), hyperbolic arcsecant asech(x),
hyperbolic arccosecant acsch(x)
rounding functions:
round down floor(x), round up ceiling(x)
the sign of a number:
for probability theory:
the error function erf(x) (integral of probability),
Laplace function laplace(x)
Factorial of x:
x! or factorial(x)
Gamma function gamma(x)
Lambert's function LambertW(x)
Trigonometric integrals: Si(x),
The insertion rules
The following operations can be performed
- 2*x
- - multiplication
- 3/x
- - division
- x^2
- - squaring
- x^3
- - cubing
- x^5
- - raising to the power
- x + 7
- - addition
- x - 6
- - subtraction
- Real numbers
- insert as 7.5, no 7,5
- pi
- - number Pi
- e
- - the base of natural logarithm
- i
- - complex number
- oo
- - symbol of infinity
Use the examples entering the upper and lower limits of integration in the double integral.