Mister Exam

Other calculators

  • How to use it?

  • Derivative of:
  • Derivative of sin(x)^2 Derivative of sin(x)^2
  • Derivative of x^-6 Derivative of x^-6
  • Derivative of ex^2 Derivative of ex^2
  • Derivative of e^sin(x)*cos(x) Derivative of e^sin(x)*cos(x)
  • Identical expressions

  • (log(x))^(cos(x))^ one / two
  • ( logarithm of (x)) to the power of ( co sinus of e of (x)) to the power of 1 divide by 2
  • ( logarithm of (x)) to the power of ( co sinus of e of (x)) to the power of one divide by two
  • (log(x))(cos(x))1/2
  • logxcosx1/2
  • logx^cosx^1/2
  • (log(x))^(cos(x))^1 divide by 2
  • Similar expressions

  • (log(x))^(cosx)^1/2

Derivative of (log(x))^(cos(x))^1/2

Function f() - derivative -N order at the point

The graph:

from to


The solution

You have entered [src]
        \/ cos(x) 
$$\log{\left(x \right)}^{\sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}$$
Detail solution
  1. Don't know the steps in finding this derivative.

    But the derivative is

  2. Now simplify:

The answer is:

The graph
The first derivative [src]
          ________ /  ________                     \
        \/ cos(x)  |\/ cos(x)    log(log(x))*sin(x)|
(log(x))          *|---------- - ------------------|
                   | x*log(x)           ________   |
                   \                2*\/ cos(x)    /
$$\left(- \frac{\log{\left(\log{\left(x \right)} \right)} \sin{\left(x \right)}}{2 \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}} + \frac{\sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{x \log{\left(x \right)}}\right) \log{\left(x \right)}^{\sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}$$
The second derivative [src]
                   /                                   2                                                                                               \
                   |/                         ________\                                                                                                |
                   ||log(log(x))*sin(x)   2*\/ cos(x) |                                                                                                |
                   ||------------------ - ------------|                                                                                                |
          ________ ||      ________         x*log(x)  |      ________                 ________     ________      2                                     |
        \/ cos(x)  |\    \/ cos(x)                    /    \/ cos(x) *log(log(x))   \/ cos(x)    \/ cos(x)    sin (x)*log(log(x))          sin(x)      |
(log(x))          *|------------------------------------ - ---------------------- - ---------- - ---------- - ------------------- - -------------------|
                   |                 4                               2               2            2    2               3/2              ________       |
                   \                                                                x *log(x)    x *log (x)       4*cos   (x)       x*\/ cos(x) *log(x)/
$$\left(\frac{\left(\frac{\log{\left(\log{\left(x \right)} \right)} \sin{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}} - \frac{2 \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{x \log{\left(x \right)}}\right)^{2}}{4} - \frac{\log{\left(\log{\left(x \right)} \right)} \sin^{2}{\left(x \right)}}{4 \cos^{\frac{3}{2}}{\left(x \right)}} - \frac{\log{\left(\log{\left(x \right)} \right)} \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{2} - \frac{\sin{\left(x \right)}}{x \log{\left(x \right)} \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}} - \frac{\sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{x^{2} \log{\left(x \right)}} - \frac{\sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{x^{2} \log{\left(x \right)}^{2}}\right) \log{\left(x \right)}^{\sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}$$
The third derivative [src]
                   /                                     3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                \
                   |  /                         ________\      /                         ________\ /                              2                      ________       ________                      \                                                                                                                                                                                   |
                   |  |log(log(x))*sin(x)   2*\/ cos(x) |      |log(log(x))*sin(x)   2*\/ cos(x) | |    ________               sin (x)*log(log(x))   4*\/ cos(x)    4*\/ cos(x)          4*sin(x)     |                                                                                                                                                                                   |
                   |  |------------------ - ------------|    3*|------------------ - ------------|*|2*\/ cos(x) *log(log(x)) + ------------------- + ------------ + ------------ + -------------------|                                                                                                                                                                                   |
          ________ |  |      ________         x*log(x)  |      |      ________         x*log(x)  | |                                   3/2             2              2    2           ________       |       ________       ________       ________       ________        3                                                 2                                                            |
        \/ cos(x)  |  \    \/ cos(x)                    /      \    \/ cos(x)                    / \                                cos   (x)         x *log(x)      x *log (x)    x*\/ cos(x) *log(x)/   2*\/ cos(x)    2*\/ cos(x)    3*\/ cos(x)    3*\/ cos(x)    3*sin (x)*log(log(x))   log(log(x))*sin(x)        3*sin (x)                3*sin(x)                  3*sin(x)       |
(log(x))          *|- ------------------------------------ + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + ------------ + ------------ + ------------ - ------------ - --------------------- - ------------------ - -------------------- + ---------------------- + -----------------------|
                   |                   8                                                                                         8                                                                          3              3    3         3    2        2*x*log(x)              5/2                  ________             3/2                2   ________             2   ________    2   |
                   \                                                                                                                                                                                       x *log(x)      x *log (x)     x *log (x)                        8*cos   (x)           4*\/ cos(x)       4*x*cos   (x)*log(x)   2*x *\/ cos(x) *log(x)   2*x *\/ cos(x) *log (x)/
$$\left(- \frac{\left(\frac{\log{\left(\log{\left(x \right)} \right)} \sin{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}} - \frac{2 \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{x \log{\left(x \right)}}\right)^{3}}{8} + \frac{3 \left(\frac{\log{\left(\log{\left(x \right)} \right)} \sin{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}} - \frac{2 \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{x \log{\left(x \right)}}\right) \left(\frac{\log{\left(\log{\left(x \right)} \right)} \sin^{2}{\left(x \right)}}{\cos^{\frac{3}{2}}{\left(x \right)}} + 2 \log{\left(\log{\left(x \right)} \right)} \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}} + \frac{4 \sin{\left(x \right)}}{x \log{\left(x \right)} \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}} + \frac{4 \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{x^{2} \log{\left(x \right)}} + \frac{4 \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{x^{2} \log{\left(x \right)}^{2}}\right)}{8} - \frac{3 \log{\left(\log{\left(x \right)} \right)} \sin^{3}{\left(x \right)}}{8 \cos^{\frac{5}{2}}{\left(x \right)}} - \frac{\log{\left(\log{\left(x \right)} \right)} \sin{\left(x \right)}}{4 \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}} - \frac{3 \sin^{2}{\left(x \right)}}{4 x \log{\left(x \right)} \cos^{\frac{3}{2}}{\left(x \right)}} - \frac{3 \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{2 x \log{\left(x \right)}} + \frac{3 \sin{\left(x \right)}}{2 x^{2} \log{\left(x \right)} \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}} + \frac{3 \sin{\left(x \right)}}{2 x^{2} \log{\left(x \right)}^{2} \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}} + \frac{2 \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{x^{3} \log{\left(x \right)}} + \frac{3 \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{x^{3} \log{\left(x \right)}^{2}} + \frac{2 \sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}{x^{3} \log{\left(x \right)}^{3}}\right) \log{\left(x \right)}^{\sqrt{\cos{\left(x \right)}}}$$