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Derivative of arcsin(lnx^4+arctgx^2)+x^(1+x)

Function f() - derivative -N order at the point

The graph:

from to


The solution

You have entered [src]
    /   4          2   \    1 + x
asin\log (x) + acot (x)/ + x     
$$x^{x + 1} + \operatorname{asin}{\left(\log{\left(x \right)}^{4} + \operatorname{acot}^{2}{\left(x \right)} \right)}$$
asin(log(x)^4 + acot(x)^2) + x^(1 + x)
The graph
The first derivative [src]
                                2*acot(x)   4*log (x)    
                              - --------- + ---------    
                                       2        x        
 1 + x /1 + x         \           1 + x                  
x     *|----- + log(x)| + -------------------------------
       \  x           /       ___________________________
                             /                         2 
                            /      /   4          2   \  
                          \/   1 - \log (x) + acot (x)/  
$$x^{x + 1} \left(\log{\left(x \right)} + \frac{x + 1}{x}\right) + \frac{- \frac{2 \operatorname{acot}{\left(x \right)}}{x^{2} + 1} + \frac{4 \log{\left(x \right)}^{3}}{x}}{\sqrt{1 - \left(\log{\left(x \right)}^{4} + \operatorname{acot}^{2}{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2}}}$$
The second derivative [src]
                             /                 3           2                 \                                               2                     
                             |    1       2*log (x)   6*log (x)   2*x*acot(x)|                          /               3   \                      
                           2*|--------- - --------- + --------- + -----------|                          |acot(x)   2*log (x)|  /    2         4   \
                             |        2        2           2               2 |    1 + x /    1 + x\   4*|------- - ---------| *\acot (x) + log (x)/
                       2     |/     2\        x           x        /     2\  |   x     *|2 - -----|     |      2       x    |                      
 1 + x /1 + x         \      \\1 + x /                             \1 + x /  /          \      x  /     \ 1 + x             /                      
x     *|----- + log(x)|  + --------------------------------------------------- + ------------------ + ---------------------------------------------
       \  x           /                  ___________________________                     x                                               3/2       
                                        /                         2                                           /                        2\          
                                       /      /    2         4   \                                            |    /    2         4   \ |          
                                     \/   1 - \acot (x) + log (x)/                                            \1 - \acot (x) + log (x)/ /          
$$x^{x + 1} \left(\log{\left(x \right)} + \frac{x + 1}{x}\right)^{2} + \frac{2 \left(\frac{2 x \operatorname{acot}{\left(x \right)}}{\left(x^{2} + 1\right)^{2}} + \frac{1}{\left(x^{2} + 1\right)^{2}} - \frac{2 \log{\left(x \right)}^{3}}{x^{2}} + \frac{6 \log{\left(x \right)}^{2}}{x^{2}}\right)}{\sqrt{1 - \left(\log{\left(x \right)}^{4} + \operatorname{acot}^{2}{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2}}} + \frac{4 \left(\frac{\operatorname{acot}{\left(x \right)}}{x^{2} + 1} - \frac{2 \log{\left(x \right)}^{3}}{x}\right)^{2} \left(\log{\left(x \right)}^{4} + \operatorname{acot}^{2}{\left(x \right)}\right)}{\left(1 - \left(\log{\left(x \right)}^{4} + \operatorname{acot}^{2}{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}} + \frac{x^{x + 1} \left(2 - \frac{x + 1}{x}\right)}{x}$$
The third derivative [src]
                                                     3        /                              3                       2         2        \                                                                          3                           /               3   \ /                 3           2                 \                                        
                                /               3   \         |   acot(x)    6*log(x)   2*log (x)      3*x      9*log (x)   4*x *acot(x)|                                                   2 /               3   \       /    2         4   \ |acot(x)   2*log (x)| |    1       2*log (x)   6*log (x)   2*x*acot(x)|                                        
                                |acot(x)   2*log (x)|       4*|- --------- - -------- - --------- + --------- + --------- + ------------|                               /    2         4   \  |acot(x)   2*log (x)|    12*\acot (x) + log (x)/*|------- - ---------|*|--------- - --------- + --------- + -----------|                                        
                              8*|------- - ---------|         |          2       3           3              3        3               3  |    1 + x /    2*(1 + x)\   24*\acot (x) + log (x)/ *|------- - ---------|                            |      2       x    | |        2        2           2               2 |      1 + x /    1 + x\ /1 + x         \
                       3        |      2       x    |         |  /     2\       x           x       /     2\        x        /     2\   |   x     *|3 - ---------|                            |      2       x    |                            \ 1 + x             / |/     2\        x           x        /     2\  |   3*x     *|2 - -----|*|----- + log(x)|
 1 + x /1 + x         \         \ 1 + x             /         \  \1 + x /                           \1 + x /                 \1 + x /   /          \        x    /                            \ 1 + x             /                                                  \\1 + x /                             \1 + x /  /            \      x  / \  x           /
x     *|----- + log(x)|  - ------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + -------------------------------------
       \  x           /                               3/2                              ___________________________                                     2                                                 5/2                                                                       3/2                                                     x                  
                           /                        2\                                /                         2                                     x                       /                        2\                                               /                        2\                                                                           
                           |    /    2         4   \ |                               /      /    2         4   \                                                              |    /    2         4   \ |                                               |    /    2         4   \ |                                                                           
                           \1 - \acot (x) + log (x)/ /                             \/   1 - \acot (x) + log (x)/                                                              \1 - \acot (x) + log (x)/ /                                               \1 - \acot (x) + log (x)/ /                                                                           
$$x^{x + 1} \left(\log{\left(x \right)} + \frac{x + 1}{x}\right)^{3} - \frac{4 \left(\frac{4 x^{2} \operatorname{acot}{\left(x \right)}}{\left(x^{2} + 1\right)^{3}} + \frac{3 x}{\left(x^{2} + 1\right)^{3}} - \frac{\operatorname{acot}{\left(x \right)}}{\left(x^{2} + 1\right)^{2}} - \frac{2 \log{\left(x \right)}^{3}}{x^{3}} + \frac{9 \log{\left(x \right)}^{2}}{x^{3}} - \frac{6 \log{\left(x \right)}}{x^{3}}\right)}{\sqrt{1 - \left(\log{\left(x \right)}^{4} + \operatorname{acot}^{2}{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2}}} - \frac{8 \left(\frac{\operatorname{acot}{\left(x \right)}}{x^{2} + 1} - \frac{2 \log{\left(x \right)}^{3}}{x}\right)^{3}}{\left(1 - \left(\log{\left(x \right)}^{4} + \operatorname{acot}^{2}{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}} - \frac{12 \left(\frac{\operatorname{acot}{\left(x \right)}}{x^{2} + 1} - \frac{2 \log{\left(x \right)}^{3}}{x}\right) \left(\log{\left(x \right)}^{4} + \operatorname{acot}^{2}{\left(x \right)}\right) \left(\frac{2 x \operatorname{acot}{\left(x \right)}}{\left(x^{2} + 1\right)^{2}} + \frac{1}{\left(x^{2} + 1\right)^{2}} - \frac{2 \log{\left(x \right)}^{3}}{x^{2}} + \frac{6 \log{\left(x \right)}^{2}}{x^{2}}\right)}{\left(1 - \left(\log{\left(x \right)}^{4} + \operatorname{acot}^{2}{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}} - \frac{24 \left(\frac{\operatorname{acot}{\left(x \right)}}{x^{2} + 1} - \frac{2 \log{\left(x \right)}^{3}}{x}\right)^{3} \left(\log{\left(x \right)}^{4} + \operatorname{acot}^{2}{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2}}{\left(1 - \left(\log{\left(x \right)}^{4} + \operatorname{acot}^{2}{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2}\right)^{\frac{5}{2}}} + \frac{3 x^{x + 1} \left(2 - \frac{x + 1}{x}\right) \left(\log{\left(x \right)} + \frac{x + 1}{x}\right)}{x} - \frac{x^{x + 1} \left(3 - \frac{2 \left(x + 1\right)}{x}\right)}{x^{2}}$$