Given line equation of 2-order: x2+x+1=0 This equation looks like: a11x2+2a12xy+2a13x+a22y2+2a23y+a33=0 where a11=1 a12=0 a13=21 a22=0 a23=0 a33=1 To calculate the determinant Δ=a11a12a12a22 or, substitute Δ=1000 Δ=0 Because Δ is equal to 0, then (x~+21)2=−43 x~′2=−43 Given equation is two parallel straight lines - reduced to canonical form where replacement made x~′=x~+21 y~′=y~ The center of the canonical coordinate system in OXY x0=x~cos(ϕ)−y~sin(ϕ) y0=x~sin(ϕ)+y~cos(ϕ) x0=−21+0⋅0 y0=−20 x0=−21 y0=0 The center of canonical coordinate system at point O
(-1/2, 0)
Basis of the canonical coordinate system e1=(1,0) e2=(0,1)
Invariants method
Given line equation of 2-order: x2+x+1=0 This equation looks like: a11x2+2a12xy+2a13x+a22y2+2a23y+a33=0 where a11=1 a12=0 a13=21 a22=0 a23=0 a33=1 The invariants of the equation when converting coordinates are determinants: I1=a11+a22
I1=1 I2=0 I3=0 I(λ)=λ2−λ K2=43 Because I2=0∧I3=0∧K2>0∧I1=0 then by line type: this equation is of type : two imaginary parallel lines I1y~2+I1K2=0 or y~2+43=0