Mister Exam

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Integral of sqrt(a-bx^2) dx

Limits of integration:

from to

The graph:

from to


The solution

You have entered [src]
 |     __________   
 |    /        2    
 |  \/  a - b*x   dx
01bx2+adx\int\limits_{0}^{1} \sqrt{- b x^{2} + a}\, dx
Detail solution

    PiecewiseRule(subfunctions=[(SqrtQuadraticRule(a=a, b=0, c=-b, context=sqrt(a - b*x**2), symbol=x), Ne(-b, 0)), (ConstantRule(constant=sqrt(a), context=sqrt(a), symbol=x), True)], context=sqrt(a - b*x**2), symbol=x)

  1. Now simplify:

    {alog(2bx+2babx2)2b+xabx22forb>0b<0axotherwise\begin{cases} \frac{a \log{\left(- 2 b x + 2 \sqrt{- b} \sqrt{a - b x^{2}} \right)}}{2 \sqrt{- b}} + \frac{x \sqrt{a - b x^{2}}}{2} & \text{for}\: b > 0 \vee b < 0 \\\sqrt{a} x & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}

  2. Add the constant of integration:

    {alog(2bx+2babx2)2b+xabx22forb>0b<0axotherwise+constant\begin{cases} \frac{a \log{\left(- 2 b x + 2 \sqrt{- b} \sqrt{a - b x^{2}} \right)}}{2 \sqrt{- b}} + \frac{x \sqrt{a - b x^{2}}}{2} & \text{for}\: b > 0 \vee b < 0 \\\sqrt{a} x & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}+ \mathrm{constant}

The answer is:

{alog(2bx+2babx2)2b+xabx22forb>0b<0axotherwise+constant\begin{cases} \frac{a \log{\left(- 2 b x + 2 \sqrt{- b} \sqrt{a - b x^{2}} \right)}}{2 \sqrt{- b}} + \frac{x \sqrt{a - b x^{2}}}{2} & \text{for}\: b > 0 \vee b < 0 \\\sqrt{a} x & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}+ \mathrm{constant}

The answer (Indefinite) [src]
  /                       //     __________        /                     __________\            \
 |                        ||    /        2         |             ____   /        2 |            |
 |    __________          ||x*\/  a - b*x     a*log\-2*b*x + 2*\/ -b *\/  a - b*x  /            |
 |   /        2           ||--------------- + --------------------------------------  for b != 0|
 | \/  a - b*x   dx = C + |<       2                             ____                           |
 |                        ||                                 2*\/ -b                            |
/                         ||                                                                    |
                          ||                            ___                                     |
                          \\                        x*\/ a                            otherwise /
bx2+adx=C+{xbx2+a2+alog(2bx+2bbx2+a)2bforb0axotherwise\int \sqrt{- b x^{2} + a}\, dx = C + \begin{cases} \frac{x \sqrt{- b x^{2} + a}}{2} + \frac{a \log{\left(- 2 b x + 2 \sqrt{- b} \sqrt{- b x^{2} + a} \right)}}{2 \sqrt{- b}} & \text{for}\: b \neq 0 \\\sqrt{a} x & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}
The answer [src]
 |  /             ___________                                                                                           
 |  |            /         2                                                                                            
 |  |    ___    /       b*x                                                                                             
 |  |I*\/ a *  /   -1 + ----                         ___                                   2                            
 |  |        \/          a                       I*\/ a                               I*b*x                 2 |b|       
 |  |------------------------ - ------------------------------------------ + ------------------------  for x *|-| > 1   
 |  |           2                       _____________       ______________                ___________         |a|       
 |  |                                  /         ___       /          ___                /         2                    
 |  |                                 /      x*\/ b       /       x*\/ b         ___    /       b*x                     
 |  |                           2*   /   1 + ------- *   /   -1 + -------    2*\/ a *  /   -1 + ----                    
 |  <                               /           ___     /            ___             \/          a                    dx
 |  |                             \/          \/ a    \/           \/ a                                                 
 |  |                                                                                                                   
 |  |           ___                    2                         2                   2  4                               
 |  |         \/ a                  b*x                     3*b*x                   b *x                                
 |  |    --------------- + --------------------- - ----------------------- - --------------------        otherwise      
 |  |         __________                     3/2                __________                    3/2                       
 |  |        /        2            /       2\                  /        2           /       2\                          
 |  |       /      b*x         ___ |    b*x |          ___    /      b*x        3/2 |    b*x |                          
 |  |      /   1 - ----    2*\/ a *|1 - ----|      2*\/ a *  /   1 - ----    2*a   *|1 - ----|                          
 |  \    \/         a              \     a  /              \/         a             \     a  /                          
01{iabx2a12+ibx22abx2a1ia2bxa1bxa+1forx2ba>13bx22abx2a+1+abx2a+1b2x42a32(bx2a+1)32+bx22a(bx2a+1)32otherwisedx\int\limits_{0}^{1} \begin{cases} \frac{i \sqrt{a} \sqrt{\frac{b x^{2}}{a} - 1}}{2} + \frac{i b x^{2}}{2 \sqrt{a} \sqrt{\frac{b x^{2}}{a} - 1}} - \frac{i \sqrt{a}}{2 \sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{b} x}{\sqrt{a}} - 1} \sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{b} x}{\sqrt{a}} + 1}} & \text{for}\: x^{2} \left|{\frac{b}{a}}\right| > 1 \\- \frac{3 b x^{2}}{2 \sqrt{a} \sqrt{- \frac{b x^{2}}{a} + 1}} + \frac{\sqrt{a}}{\sqrt{- \frac{b x^{2}}{a} + 1}} - \frac{b^{2} x^{4}}{2 a^{\frac{3}{2}} \left(- \frac{b x^{2}}{a} + 1\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}} + \frac{b x^{2}}{2 \sqrt{a} \left(- \frac{b x^{2}}{a} + 1\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\, dx
 |  /             ___________                                                                                           
 |  |            /         2                                                                                            
 |  |    ___    /       b*x                                                                                             
 |  |I*\/ a *  /   -1 + ----                         ___                                   2                            
 |  |        \/          a                       I*\/ a                               I*b*x                 2 |b|       
 |  |------------------------ - ------------------------------------------ + ------------------------  for x *|-| > 1   
 |  |           2                       _____________       ______________                ___________         |a|       
 |  |                                  /         ___       /          ___                /         2                    
 |  |                                 /      x*\/ b       /       x*\/ b         ___    /       b*x                     
 |  |                           2*   /   1 + ------- *   /   -1 + -------    2*\/ a *  /   -1 + ----                    
 |  <                               /           ___     /            ___             \/          a                    dx
 |  |                             \/          \/ a    \/           \/ a                                                 
 |  |                                                                                                                   
 |  |           ___                    2                         2                   2  4                               
 |  |         \/ a                  b*x                     3*b*x                   b *x                                
 |  |    --------------- + --------------------- - ----------------------- - --------------------        otherwise      
 |  |         __________                     3/2                __________                    3/2                       
 |  |        /        2            /       2\                  /        2           /       2\                          
 |  |       /      b*x         ___ |    b*x |          ___    /      b*x        3/2 |    b*x |                          
 |  |      /   1 - ----    2*\/ a *|1 - ----|      2*\/ a *  /   1 - ----    2*a   *|1 - ----|                          
 |  \    \/         a              \     a  /              \/         a             \     a  /                          
01{iabx2a12+ibx22abx2a1ia2bxa1bxa+1forx2ba>13bx22abx2a+1+abx2a+1b2x42a32(bx2a+1)32+bx22a(bx2a+1)32otherwisedx\int\limits_{0}^{1} \begin{cases} \frac{i \sqrt{a} \sqrt{\frac{b x^{2}}{a} - 1}}{2} + \frac{i b x^{2}}{2 \sqrt{a} \sqrt{\frac{b x^{2}}{a} - 1}} - \frac{i \sqrt{a}}{2 \sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{b} x}{\sqrt{a}} - 1} \sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{b} x}{\sqrt{a}} + 1}} & \text{for}\: x^{2} \left|{\frac{b}{a}}\right| > 1 \\- \frac{3 b x^{2}}{2 \sqrt{a} \sqrt{- \frac{b x^{2}}{a} + 1}} + \frac{\sqrt{a}}{\sqrt{- \frac{b x^{2}}{a} + 1}} - \frac{b^{2} x^{4}}{2 a^{\frac{3}{2}} \left(- \frac{b x^{2}}{a} + 1\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}} + \frac{b x^{2}}{2 \sqrt{a} \left(- \frac{b x^{2}}{a} + 1\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\, dx

    Use the examples entering the upper and lower limits of integration.