Mister Exam

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sin(t)>-sqrt2/2 inequation

A inequation with variable

The solution

You have entered [src]
         -\/ 2  
sin(t) > -------
$$\sin{\left(t \right)} > \frac{\left(-1\right) \sqrt{2}}{2}$$
sin(t) > (-sqrt(2))/2
Rapid solution [src]
  /   /            5*pi\     /           7*pi    \\
Or|And|0 <= x, x < ----|, And|x <= 2*pi, ---- < x||
  \   \             4  /     \            4      //
$$\left(0 \leq x \wedge x < \frac{5 \pi}{4}\right) \vee \left(x \leq 2 \pi \wedge \frac{7 \pi}{4} < x\right)$$
((0 <= x)∧(x < 5*pi/4))∨((x <= 2*pi)∧(7*pi/4 < x))
Rapid solution 2 [src]
    5*pi     7*pi       
[0, ----) U (----, 2*pi]
     4        4         
$$x\ in\ \left[0, \frac{5 \pi}{4}\right) \cup \left(\frac{7 \pi}{4}, 2 \pi\right]$$
x in Union(Interval.Ropen(0, 5*pi/4), Interval.Lopen(7*pi/4, 2*pi))