Mister Exam

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(49^x-9*7^x+10/7^x-1)+(49^x-11*7^x+33/7^x-6)<=2*7^x-13 inequation

A inequation with variable

The solution

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  x      x       x         x       x       x           x     
49  - 9*7  + 10/7  - 1 + 49  - 11*7  + 33/7  - 6 <= 2*7  - 13
$$\left(\left(\left(\frac{10}{7}\right)^{x} + \left(49^{x} - 9 \cdot 7^{x}\right)\right) - 1\right) + \left(\left(\left(\frac{33}{7}\right)^{x} + \left(49^{x} - 11 \cdot 7^{x}\right)\right) - 6\right) \leq 2 \cdot 7^{x} - 13$$
(10/7)^x + 49^x - 9*7^x - 1 + (33/7)^x + 49^x - 11*7^x - 6 <= 2*7^x - 13
Solving inequality on a graph