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ctgt=<-sqrt3/3 inequation

A inequation with variable

The solution

You have entered [src]
          -\/ 3  
cot(t) <= -------
$$\cot{\left(t \right)} \leq \frac{\left(-1\right) \sqrt{3}}{3}$$
cot(t) <= (-sqrt(3))/3
Detail solution
Given the inequality:
$$\cot{\left(t \right)} \leq \frac{\left(-1\right) \sqrt{3}}{3}$$
To solve this inequality, we must first solve the corresponding equation:
$$\cot{\left(t \right)} = \frac{\left(-1\right) \sqrt{3}}{3}$$
$$x_{1} = 39.7935069454707$$
$$x_{2} = 11.5191730631626$$
$$x_{3} = 71.2094334813686$$
$$x_{4} = -98.4365698124802$$
$$x_{5} = -85.870199198121$$
$$x_{6} = -51.3126800086333$$
$$x_{7} = 36.6519142918809$$
$$x_{8} = 14.6607657167524$$
$$x_{9} = -70.162235930172$$
$$x_{10} = 93.2005820564972$$
$$x_{11} = -95.2949771588904$$
$$x_{12} = 49.2182849062401$$
$$x_{13} = 30.3687289847013$$
$$x_{14} = -29.3215314335047$$
$$x_{15} = 17.8023583703422$$
$$x_{16} = -41.8879020478639$$
$$x_{17} = -32.4631240870945$$
$$x_{18} = -92.1533845053006$$
$$x_{19} = 42.9350995990605$$
$$x_{20} = 77.4926187885482$$
$$x_{21} = 46.0766922526503$$
$$x_{22} = -54.4542726622231$$
$$x_{23} = 96.342174710087$$
$$x_{24} = -26.1799387799149$$
$$x_{25} = 8.37758040957278$$
$$x_{26} = -76.4454212373516$$
$$x_{27} = -79.5870138909414$$
$$x_{28} = -16.7551608191456$$
$$x_{29} = -1.0471975511966$$
$$x_{30} = 52.3598775598299$$
$$x_{31} = 20.943951023932$$
$$x_{32} = -10.471975511966$$
$$x_{33} = 55.5014702134197$$
$$x_{34} = 33.5103216382911$$
$$x_{35} = 27.2271363311115$$
$$x_{36} = 83.7758040957278$$
$$x_{37} = 68.0678408277789$$
$$x_{38} = -23.0383461263252$$
$$x_{39} = -60.7374579694027$$
$$x_{40} = -19.8967534727354$$
$$x_{41} = -82.7286065445312$$
$$x_{42} = 74.3510261349584$$
$$x_{43} = -35.6047167406843$$
$$x_{44} = -38.7463093942741$$
$$x_{45} = 80.634211442138$$
$$x_{46} = 99.4837673636768$$
$$x_{47} = -45.0294947014537$$
$$x_{48} = -48.1710873550435$$
$$x_{49} = -73.3038285837618$$
$$x_{50} = 64.9262481741891$$
$$x_{51} = -57.5958653158129$$
$$x_{52} = -4.18879020478639$$
$$x_{53} = -63.8790506229925$$
$$x_{54} = 5.23598775598299$$
$$x_{55} = -89.0117918517108$$
$$x_{56} = 2.0943951023932$$
$$x_{57} = -13.6135681655558$$
$$x_{58} = 58.6430628670095$$
$$x_{59} = 86.9173967493176$$
$$x_{60} = 90.0589894029074$$
$$x_{61} = 24.0855436775217$$
$$x_{62} = 61.7846555205993$$
$$x_{63} = -67.0206432765823$$
$$x_{64} = -7.33038285837618$$
$$x_{1} = 39.7935069454707$$
$$x_{2} = 11.5191730631626$$
$$x_{3} = 71.2094334813686$$
$$x_{4} = -98.4365698124802$$
$$x_{5} = -85.870199198121$$
$$x_{6} = -51.3126800086333$$
$$x_{7} = 36.6519142918809$$
$$x_{8} = 14.6607657167524$$
$$x_{9} = -70.162235930172$$
$$x_{10} = 93.2005820564972$$
$$x_{11} = -95.2949771588904$$
$$x_{12} = 49.2182849062401$$
$$x_{13} = 30.3687289847013$$
$$x_{14} = -29.3215314335047$$
$$x_{15} = 17.8023583703422$$
$$x_{16} = -41.8879020478639$$
$$x_{17} = -32.4631240870945$$
$$x_{18} = -92.1533845053006$$
$$x_{19} = 42.9350995990605$$
$$x_{20} = 77.4926187885482$$
$$x_{21} = 46.0766922526503$$
$$x_{22} = -54.4542726622231$$
$$x_{23} = 96.342174710087$$
$$x_{24} = -26.1799387799149$$
$$x_{25} = 8.37758040957278$$
$$x_{26} = -76.4454212373516$$
$$x_{27} = -79.5870138909414$$
$$x_{28} = -16.7551608191456$$
$$x_{29} = -1.0471975511966$$
$$x_{30} = 52.3598775598299$$
$$x_{31} = 20.943951023932$$
$$x_{32} = -10.471975511966$$
$$x_{33} = 55.5014702134197$$
$$x_{34} = 33.5103216382911$$
$$x_{35} = 27.2271363311115$$
$$x_{36} = 83.7758040957278$$
$$x_{37} = 68.0678408277789$$
$$x_{38} = -23.0383461263252$$
$$x_{39} = -60.7374579694027$$
$$x_{40} = -19.8967534727354$$
$$x_{41} = -82.7286065445312$$
$$x_{42} = 74.3510261349584$$
$$x_{43} = -35.6047167406843$$
$$x_{44} = -38.7463093942741$$
$$x_{45} = 80.634211442138$$
$$x_{46} = 99.4837673636768$$
$$x_{47} = -45.0294947014537$$
$$x_{48} = -48.1710873550435$$
$$x_{49} = -73.3038285837618$$
$$x_{50} = 64.9262481741891$$
$$x_{51} = -57.5958653158129$$
$$x_{52} = -4.18879020478639$$
$$x_{53} = -63.8790506229925$$
$$x_{54} = 5.23598775598299$$
$$x_{55} = -89.0117918517108$$
$$x_{56} = 2.0943951023932$$
$$x_{57} = -13.6135681655558$$
$$x_{58} = 58.6430628670095$$
$$x_{59} = 86.9173967493176$$
$$x_{60} = 90.0589894029074$$
$$x_{61} = 24.0855436775217$$
$$x_{62} = 61.7846555205993$$
$$x_{63} = -67.0206432765823$$
$$x_{64} = -7.33038285837618$$
This roots
$$x_{4} = -98.4365698124802$$
$$x_{11} = -95.2949771588904$$
$$x_{18} = -92.1533845053006$$
$$x_{55} = -89.0117918517108$$
$$x_{5} = -85.870199198121$$
$$x_{41} = -82.7286065445312$$
$$x_{27} = -79.5870138909414$$
$$x_{26} = -76.4454212373516$$
$$x_{49} = -73.3038285837618$$
$$x_{9} = -70.162235930172$$
$$x_{63} = -67.0206432765823$$
$$x_{53} = -63.8790506229925$$
$$x_{39} = -60.7374579694027$$
$$x_{51} = -57.5958653158129$$
$$x_{22} = -54.4542726622231$$
$$x_{6} = -51.3126800086333$$
$$x_{48} = -48.1710873550435$$
$$x_{47} = -45.0294947014537$$
$$x_{16} = -41.8879020478639$$
$$x_{44} = -38.7463093942741$$
$$x_{43} = -35.6047167406843$$
$$x_{17} = -32.4631240870945$$
$$x_{14} = -29.3215314335047$$
$$x_{24} = -26.1799387799149$$
$$x_{38} = -23.0383461263252$$
$$x_{40} = -19.8967534727354$$
$$x_{28} = -16.7551608191456$$
$$x_{57} = -13.6135681655558$$
$$x_{32} = -10.471975511966$$
$$x_{64} = -7.33038285837618$$
$$x_{52} = -4.18879020478639$$
$$x_{29} = -1.0471975511966$$
$$x_{56} = 2.0943951023932$$
$$x_{54} = 5.23598775598299$$
$$x_{25} = 8.37758040957278$$
$$x_{2} = 11.5191730631626$$
$$x_{8} = 14.6607657167524$$
$$x_{15} = 17.8023583703422$$
$$x_{31} = 20.943951023932$$
$$x_{61} = 24.0855436775217$$
$$x_{35} = 27.2271363311115$$
$$x_{13} = 30.3687289847013$$
$$x_{34} = 33.5103216382911$$
$$x_{7} = 36.6519142918809$$
$$x_{1} = 39.7935069454707$$
$$x_{19} = 42.9350995990605$$
$$x_{21} = 46.0766922526503$$
$$x_{12} = 49.2182849062401$$
$$x_{30} = 52.3598775598299$$
$$x_{33} = 55.5014702134197$$
$$x_{58} = 58.6430628670095$$
$$x_{62} = 61.7846555205993$$
$$x_{50} = 64.9262481741891$$
$$x_{37} = 68.0678408277789$$
$$x_{3} = 71.2094334813686$$
$$x_{42} = 74.3510261349584$$
$$x_{20} = 77.4926187885482$$
$$x_{45} = 80.634211442138$$
$$x_{36} = 83.7758040957278$$
$$x_{59} = 86.9173967493176$$
$$x_{60} = 90.0589894029074$$
$$x_{10} = 93.2005820564972$$
$$x_{23} = 96.342174710087$$
$$x_{46} = 99.4837673636768$$
is the points with change the sign of the inequality expression.
First define with the sign to the leftmost point:
$$x_{0} \leq x_{4}$$
For example, let's take the point
$$x_{0} = x_{4} - \frac{1}{10}$$
$$-98.4365698124802 + - \frac{1}{10}$$
substitute to the expression
$$\cot{\left(t \right)} \leq \frac{\left(-1\right) \sqrt{3}}{3}$$
$$\cot{\left(t \right)} \leq \frac{\left(-1\right) \sqrt{3}}{3}$$
          -\/ 3  
cot(t) <= -------

$$x \leq -98.4365698124802$$
no execute
one of the solutions of our inequality is:
$$x \geq -98.4365698124802 \wedge x \leq -95.2949771588904$$
         _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____           _____  
        /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \         /     \  
       x4      x11      x18      x55      x5      x41      x27      x26      x49      x9      x63      x53      x39      x51      x22      x6      x48      x47      x16      x44      x43      x17      x14      x24      x38      x40      x28      x57      x32      x64      x52      x29      x56      x54      x25      x2      x8      x15      x31      x61      x35      x13      x34      x7      x1      x19      x21      x12      x30      x33      x58      x62      x50      x37      x3      x42      x20      x45      x36      x59      x60      x10      x23      x46

Other solutions will get with the changeover to the next point
The answer:
$$x \geq -98.4365698124802 \wedge x \leq -95.2949771588904$$
$$x \geq -92.1533845053006 \wedge x \leq -89.0117918517108$$
$$x \geq -85.870199198121 \wedge x \leq -82.7286065445312$$
$$x \geq -79.5870138909414 \wedge x \leq -76.4454212373516$$
$$x \geq -73.3038285837618 \wedge x \leq -70.162235930172$$
$$x \geq -67.0206432765823 \wedge x \leq -63.8790506229925$$
$$x \geq -60.7374579694027 \wedge x \leq -57.5958653158129$$
$$x \geq -54.4542726622231 \wedge x \leq -51.3126800086333$$
$$x \geq -48.1710873550435 \wedge x \leq -45.0294947014537$$
$$x \geq -41.8879020478639 \wedge x \leq -38.7463093942741$$
$$x \geq -35.6047167406843 \wedge x \leq -32.4631240870945$$
$$x \geq -29.3215314335047 \wedge x \leq -26.1799387799149$$
$$x \geq -23.0383461263252 \wedge x \leq -19.8967534727354$$
$$x \geq -16.7551608191456 \wedge x \leq -13.6135681655558$$
$$x \geq -10.471975511966 \wedge x \leq -7.33038285837618$$
$$x \geq -4.18879020478639 \wedge x \leq -1.0471975511966$$
$$x \geq 2.0943951023932 \wedge x \leq 5.23598775598299$$
$$x \geq 8.37758040957278 \wedge x \leq 11.5191730631626$$
$$x \geq 14.6607657167524 \wedge x \leq 17.8023583703422$$
$$x \geq 20.943951023932 \wedge x \leq 24.0855436775217$$
$$x \geq 27.2271363311115 \wedge x \leq 30.3687289847013$$
$$x \geq 33.5103216382911 \wedge x \leq 36.6519142918809$$
$$x \geq 39.7935069454707 \wedge x \leq 42.9350995990605$$
$$x \geq 46.0766922526503 \wedge x \leq 49.2182849062401$$
$$x \geq 52.3598775598299 \wedge x \leq 55.5014702134197$$
$$x \geq 58.6430628670095 \wedge x \leq 61.7846555205993$$
$$x \geq 64.9262481741891 \wedge x \leq 68.0678408277789$$
$$x \geq 71.2094334813686 \wedge x \leq 74.3510261349584$$
$$x \geq 77.4926187885482 \wedge x \leq 80.634211442138$$
$$x \geq 83.7758040957278 \wedge x \leq 86.9173967493176$$
$$x \geq 90.0589894029074 \wedge x \leq 93.2005820564972$$
$$x \geq 96.342174710087 \wedge x \leq 99.4837673636768$$
Rapid solution [src]
   /2*pi             \
And|---- <= x, x < pi|
   \ 3               /
$$\frac{2 \pi}{3} \leq x \wedge x < \pi$$
(x < pi)∧(2*pi/3 <= x)
Rapid solution 2 [src]
[----, pi)
$$x\ in\ \left[\frac{2 \pi}{3}, \pi\right)$$
x in Interval.Ropen(2*pi/3, pi)