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3*9^x-5*6^x+2*4^x=0 equation

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Numerical solution:

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The solution

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   x      x      x    
3*9  - 5*6  + 2*4  = 0
$$2 \cdot 4^{x} + \left(- 5 \cdot 6^{x} + 3 \cdot 9^{x}\right) = 0$$
The graph
Numerical answer [src]
x1 = -107.016148295613
x2 = -81.0161482956183
x3 = -93.0161482956131
x4 = -39.0162789095309
x5 = -53.0161487430067
x6 = -21.2255469976673
x7 = -55.0161484944547
x8 = -77.0161482956397
x9 = -85.0161482956141
x10 = -75.0161482956729
x11 = -23.1049510608951
x12 = -30.4306133676539
x13 = 4.4914691336369e-15
x14 = -113.016148295613
x15 = -67.0161482971456
x16 = -61.0161483130697
x17 = -43.0161740948409
x18 = -87.0161482956135
x19 = -95.0161482956131
x20 = -57.0161483839871
x21 = -71.0161482959158
x22 = -27.0332069516031
x23 = -37.0164421956006
x24 = -25.0548548200722
x25 = -111.016148295613
x26 = -69.0161482962942
x27 = -65.0161482990613
x28 = -49.0161505605451
x29 = -99.0161482956131
x30 = -41.0162063446042
x31 = -35.0168096651426
x32 = -101.016148295613
x33 = -59.0161483348904
x34 = -83.0161482956154
x35 = -51.016149302249
x36 = -97.0161482956131
x37 = -73.0161482957476
x38 = -31.0194999855092
x39 = -45.0161597618726
x40 = -63.0161483033716
x41 = -79.0161482956249
x42 = -105.016148295613
x43 = -109.016148295613
x44 = -29.0237019369711
x45 = 0.0
x46 = -103.016148295613
x47 = -89.0161482956133
x48 = -91.0161482956132
x49 = -47.0161533917158
x50 = -115.016148295613
x51 = -33.0176368560821
x51 = -33.0176368560821
The graph
3*9^x-5*6^x+2*4^x=0 equation