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sin(x-(1/2))-x+(1/2)=0 equation

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Numerical solution:

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The solution

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sin(x - 1/2) - x + 1/2 = 0
$$- x + \sin{\left(x - \frac{1}{2} \right)} + \frac{1}{2} = 0$$
The graph
Numerical answer [src]
x1 = 0.499806270625722
x2 = 0.499958958841196
x3 = 0.500128674130526
x4 = 0.499949400531801
x5 = 0.499910791904198
x6 = 0.499896571332042
x7 = 0.500183939666981
x8 = 0.499974625495036
x9 = 0.500141049753229
x10 = 0.500086987646102
x11 = 0.500024502298225
x12 = 0.499911645883068
x13 = 0.499817795526982
x14 = 0.499851179327272
x15 = 0.500146810845895
x16 = 0.500187056104529
x17 = 0.499889176198765
x18 = 0.500033121253479
x19 = 0.500148600318226
x20 = 0.499940887859301
x21 = 0.500149306282867
x22 = 0.499869444193079
x23 = 0.49988213134673
x24 = 0.500152968808608
x25 = 0.499961669191441
x26 = 0.500003669696284
x27 = 0.500118365232548
x28 = 0.499822177259441
x29 = 0.500061387784601
x30 = 0.500144538470985
x31 = 0.499994132673878
x32 = 0.499900638354439
x33 = 0.500115744881614
x34 = 0.499931379150879
x35 = 0.500015056644634
x36 = 0.500140176395235
x37 = 0.499866854073404
x38 = 0.500139076943355
x39 = 0.500178081603576
x40 = 0.499803421738688
x41 = 0.499905929138361
x41 = 0.499905929138361
The graph
sin(x-(1/2))-x+(1/2)=0 equation