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cos(x)=sqrt(3) equation

The teacher will be very surprised to see your correct solution 😉


Numerical solution:

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The solution

You have entered [src]
cos(x) = \/ 3 
$$\cos{\left(x \right)} = \sqrt{3}$$
Detail solution
Given the equation
$$\cos{\left(x \right)} = \sqrt{3}$$
- this is the simplest trigonometric equation
As right part of the equation
modulo =

but cos
can no be more than 1 or less than -1
so the solution of the equation d'not exist.
The graph
Sum and product of roots [src]
           /    /  ___\\       /    /  ___\\     /    /  ___\\
2*pi - I*im\acos\\/ 3 // + I*im\acos\\/ 3 // + re\acos\\/ 3 //
$$\left(2 \pi - i \operatorname{im}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)}\right) + \left(\operatorname{re}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)} + i \operatorname{im}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)}\right)$$
         /    /  ___\\
2*pi + re\acos\\/ 3 //
$$\operatorname{re}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)} + 2 \pi$$
/           /    /  ___\\\ /    /    /  ___\\     /    /  ___\\\
\2*pi - I*im\acos\\/ 3 ///*\I*im\acos\\/ 3 // + re\acos\\/ 3 ///
$$\left(2 \pi - i \operatorname{im}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)}\right) \left(\operatorname{re}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)} + i \operatorname{im}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)}\right)$$
/           /    /  ___\\\ /    /    /  ___\\     /    /  ___\\\
\2*pi - I*im\acos\\/ 3 ///*\I*im\acos\\/ 3 // + re\acos\\/ 3 ///
$$\left(2 \pi - i \operatorname{im}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)}\right) \left(\operatorname{re}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)} + i \operatorname{im}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)}\right)$$
(2*pi - i*im(acos(sqrt(3))))*(i*im(acos(sqrt(3))) + re(acos(sqrt(3))))
Rapid solution [src]
                /    /  ___\\
x1 = 2*pi - I*im\acos\\/ 3 //
$$x_{1} = 2 \pi - i \operatorname{im}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)}$$
         /    /  ___\\     /    /  ___\\
x2 = I*im\acos\\/ 3 // + re\acos\\/ 3 //
$$x_{2} = \operatorname{re}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)} + i \operatorname{im}{\left(\operatorname{acos}{\left(\sqrt{3} \right)}\right)}$$
x2 = re(acos(sqrt(3))) + i*im(acos(sqrt(3)))
Numerical answer [src]
x1 = 6.28318530717959 - 1.14621583478059*i
x2 = 1.14621583478059*i
x2 = 1.14621583478059*i
The graph
cos(x)=sqrt(3) equation