Mister Exam

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111.91x1-42.24x2-42.24x3=593.596 canonical form

The teacher will be very surprised to see your correct solution 😉


The graph:

x: [, ]
y: [, ]
z: [, ]


 (Number of points on the axis)

Plot type:

The solution

You have entered [src]
  148399   1056*x2   1056*x3   11191*x1    
- ------ - ------- - ------- + -------- = 0
   250        25        25       100       
$$\frac{11191 x_{1}}{100} - \frac{1056 x_{2}}{25} - \frac{1056 x_{3}}{25} - \frac{148399}{250} = 0$$
11191*x1/100 - 1056*x2/25 - 1056*x3/25 - 148399/250 = 0