Mister Exam

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Plot (-(2*x+5)*(x^3+18*x^2-3*x*y^2+107*x-18*y^2+210)+(x^2+5*x-y^2+6)*(3*x^2+36*x-y^2+107))/(4*x^2*y^2+20*x*y^2+25*y^2+(x^2+5*x-y^2+6)^2)=0

from to
from to
from to


 (Number of points on the axis)

Plot type:

The solution

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           / 3       2        2               2      \   / 2          2    \ /   2           2      \    
(-2*x - 5)*\x  + 18*x  - 3*x*y  + 107*x - 18*y  + 210/ + \x  + 5*x - y  + 6/*\3*x  + 36*x - y  + 107/    
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 0
                              2  2         2       2   / 2          2    \                               
                           4*x *y  + 20*x*y  + 25*y  + \x  + 5*x - y  + 6/                               
$$\frac{\left(- 2 x - 5\right) \left(\left(- 18 y^{2} + \left(107 x + \left(- 3 x y^{2} + \left(x^{3} + 18 x^{2}\right)\right)\right)\right) + 210\right) + \left(\left(- y^{2} + \left(x^{2} + 5 x\right)\right) + 6\right) \left(\left(- y^{2} + \left(3 x^{2} + 36 x\right)\right) + 107\right)}{\left(25 y^{2} + \left(20 x y^{2} + 4 x^{2} y^{2}\right)\right) + \left(\left(- y^{2} + \left(x^{2} + 5 x\right)\right) + 6\right)^{2}} = 0$$
The graph of the function
The graph
Plot (-(2*x+5)*(x^3+18*x^2-3*x*y^2+107*x-18*y^2+210)+(x^2+5*x-y^2+6)*(3*x^2+36*x-y^2+107))/(4*x^2*y^2+20*x*y^2+25*y^2+(x^2+5*x-y^2+6)^2)=0

    Examples of implicit functions

    Learn more about Implicit function

    The above examples also contain:

    • the modulus or absolute value: absolute(x) or |x|
    • square roots sqrt(x),
      cubic roots cbrt(x)
    • trigonometric functions:
      sinus sin(x), cosine cos(x), tangent tan(x), cotangent ctan(x)
    • exponential functions and exponents exp(x)
    • inverse trigonometric functions:
      arcsine asin(x), arccosine acos(x), arctangent atan(x), arccotangent acot(x)
    • natural logarithms ln(x),
      decimal logarithms log(x)
    • hyperbolic functions:
      hyperbolic sine sh(x), hyperbolic cosine ch(x), hyperbolic tangent and cotangent tanh(x), ctanh(x)
    • inverse hyperbolic functions:
      hyperbolic arcsine asinh(x), hyperbolic arccosinus acosh(x), hyperbolic arctangent atanh(x), hyperbolic arccotangent acoth(x)
    • other trigonometry and hyperbolic functions:
      secant sec(x), cosecant csc(x), arcsecant asec(x), arccosecant acsc(x), hyperbolic secant sech(x), hyperbolic cosecant csch(x), hyperbolic arcsecant asech(x), hyperbolic arccosecant acsch(x)
    • rounding functions:
      round down floor(x), round up ceiling(x)
    • the sign of a number:
    • for probability theory:
      the error function erf(x) (integral of probability), Laplace function laplace(x)
    • Factorial of x:
      x! or factorial(x)
    • Gamma function gamma(x)
    • Lambert's function LambertW(x)
    • Trigonometric integrals: Si(x), Ci(x), Shi(x), Chi(x)

    The insertion rules

    The following operations can be performed

    - multiplication
    - division
    - squaring
    - cubing
    - raising to the power
    x + 7
    - addition
    x - 6
    - subtraction
    Real numbers
    insert as 7.5, no 7,5


    - number Pi
    - the base of natural logarithm
    - complex number
    - symbol of infinity