Mister Exam

Other calculators

  • Identical expressions

  • - six /x^ two + four *x/x^ three = zero
  • minus 6 divide by x squared plus 4 multiply by x divide by x cubed equally 0
  • minus six divide by x to the power of two plus four multiply by x divide by x to the power of three equally zero
  • -6/x2 + 4*x/x3 = 0
  • -6/x² + 4*x/x³ = 0
  • -6/x to the power of 2 + 4*x/x to the power of 3 = 0
  • -6/x^2 + 4x/x^3 = 0
  • -6/x2 + 4x/x3 = 0
  • -6 divide by x^2 + 4*x divide by x^3 = 0
  • Similar expressions

  • -6/x^2 - 4*x/x^3 = 0
  • 6/x^2 + 4*x/x^3 = 0

-6/x^2 + 4*x/x^3 = 0 equation


Numerical solution:

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