Mister Exam

Other calculators

  • How to use it?

  • Equation:
  • Equation cos(x)=√3/2 Equation cos(x)=√3/2
  • Equation x^2-x-56=0
  • Equation f*(x)=3
  • Equation x^3=-8 Equation x^3=-8
  • Express {x} in terms of y where:
  • 3*x+10*y=-13
  • 14*x+5*y=-18
  • -4*x+18*y=-6
  • 6*x-14*y=-9
  • Identical expressions

  • y^ two *sin(x)*d+cos^ two (x)*ln(y)*d= zero
  • y squared multiply by sinus of (x) multiply by d plus co sinus of e of squared (x) multiply by ln(y) multiply by d equally 0
  • y to the power of two multiply by sinus of (x) multiply by d plus co sinus of e of to the power of two (x) multiply by ln(y) multiply by d equally zero
  • y2*sin(x)*d+cos2(x)*ln(y)*d=0
  • y2*sinx*d+cos2x*lny*d=0
  • y²*sin(x)*d+cos²(x)*ln(y)*d=0
  • y to the power of 2*sin(x)*d+cos to the power of 2(x)*ln(y)*d=0
  • y^2sin(x)d+cos^2(x)ln(y)d=0
  • y2sin(x)d+cos2(x)ln(y)d=0
  • y2sinxd+cos2xlnyd=0
  • y^2sinxd+cos^2xlnyd=0
  • y^2*sin(x)*d+cos^2(x)*ln(y)*d=O
  • Similar expressions

  • y^2*sin(x)*d-cos^2(x)*ln(y)*d=0
  • y^2*sinx*d+cos^2(x)*ln(y)*d=0

y^2*sin(x)*d+cos^2(x)*ln(y)*d=0 equation

The teacher will be very surprised to see your correct solution 😉


Numerical solution:

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The solution

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 2               2                
y *sin(x)*d + cos (x)*log(y)*d = 0
$$d y^{2} \sin{\left(x \right)} + d \log{\left(y \right)} \cos^{2}{\left(x \right)} = 0$$
Detail solution
Given the equation
$$d y^{2} \sin{\left(x \right)} + d \log{\left(y \right)} \cos^{2}{\left(x \right)} = 0$$
$$d y^{2} \sin{\left(x \right)} + d \log{\left(y \right)} \cos^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 1 = 0$$
$$d y^{2} \sin{\left(x \right)} + d \log{\left(y \right)} \cos^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 1 = 0$$
Do replacement
$$w = \cos{\left(x \right)}$$
This equation is of the form
a*w^2 + b*w + c = 0

A quadratic equation can be solved
using the discriminant.
The roots of the quadratic equation:
$$w_{1} = \frac{\sqrt{D} - b}{2 a}$$
$$w_{2} = \frac{- \sqrt{D} - b}{2 a}$$
where D = b^2 - 4*a*c - it is the discriminant.
$$a = d \log{\left(y \right)}$$
$$b = 0$$
$$c = d y^{2} \sin{\left(x \right)} - 1$$
, then
D = b^2 - 4 * a * c = 

(0)^2 - 4 * (d*log(y)) * (-1 + d*y^2*sin(x)) = -4*d*(-1 + d*y^2*sin(x))*log(y)

The equation has two roots.
w1 = (-b + sqrt(D)) / (2*a)

w2 = (-b - sqrt(D)) / (2*a)

$$w_{1} = \frac{\sqrt{- d \left(d y^{2} \sin{\left(x \right)} - 1\right) \log{\left(y \right)}}}{d \log{\left(y \right)}}$$
$$w_{2} = - \frac{\sqrt{- d \left(d y^{2} \sin{\left(x \right)} - 1\right) \log{\left(y \right)}}}{d \log{\left(y \right)}}$$
do backward replacement
$$\cos{\left(x \right)} = w$$
substitute w:
The graph
Rapid solution [src]
                                                                     / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\          / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\                                                             
                                                                     | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         ||          | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         ||                                                             
        /  / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\\  -re|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------||       -re|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------||     /  / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\\
        |  | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         |||     | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x||          | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x||     |  | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         |||
        |im|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------|||     \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //          \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //     |im|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------|||
        |  | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x|||  --------------------------------------------------------      --------------------------------------------------------    |  | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x|||
        |  \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //|                             2                                                             2                                |  \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //|
y1 = cos|------------------------------------------------------|*e                                                         - I*e                                                        *sin|------------------------------------------------------|
        \                          2                           /                                                                                                                            \                          2                           /
$$y_{1} = - i e^{- \frac{\operatorname{re}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2}} \sin{\left(\frac{\operatorname{im}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2} \right)} + e^{- \frac{\operatorname{re}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2}} \cos{\left(\frac{\operatorname{im}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2} \right)}$$
y1 = -i*exp(-re(LambertW(-4*i*exp(3*i*x)/(exp(4*i*x) + 2*exp(2*i*x) + 1) + 4*i*exp(i*x)/(exp(4*i*x) + 2*exp(2*i*x) + 1)))/2)*sin(im(LambertW(-4*i*exp(3*i*x)/(exp(4*i*x) + 2*exp(2*i*x) + 1) + 4*i*exp(i*x)/(exp(4*i*x) + 2*exp(2*i*x) + 1)))/2) + exp(-re(LambertW(-4*i*exp(3*i*x)/(exp(4*i*x) + 2*exp(2*i*x) + 1) + 4*i*exp(i*x)/(exp(4*i*x) + 2*exp(2*i*x) + 1)))/2)*cos(im(LambertW(-4*i*exp(3*i*x)/(exp(4*i*x) + 2*exp(2*i*x) + 1) + 4*i*exp(i*x)/(exp(4*i*x) + 2*exp(2*i*x) + 1)))/2)
Sum and product of roots [src]
                                                                / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\          / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\                                                             
                                                                | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         ||          | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         ||                                                             
   /  / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\\  -re|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------||       -re|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------||     /  / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\\
   |  | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         |||     | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x||          | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x||     |  | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         |||
   |im|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------|||     \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //          \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //     |im|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------|||
   |  | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x|||  --------------------------------------------------------      --------------------------------------------------------    |  | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x|||
   |  \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //|                             2                                                             2                                |  \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //|
cos|------------------------------------------------------|*e                                                         - I*e                                                        *sin|------------------------------------------------------|
   \                          2                           /                                                                                                                            \                          2                           /
$$- i e^{- \frac{\operatorname{re}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2}} \sin{\left(\frac{\operatorname{im}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2} \right)} + e^{- \frac{\operatorname{re}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2}} \cos{\left(\frac{\operatorname{im}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2} \right)}$$
                                                                / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\          / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\                                                             
                                                                | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         ||          | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         ||                                                             
   /  / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\\  -re|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------||       -re|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------||     /  / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\\
   |  | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         |||     | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x||          | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x||     |  | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         |||
   |im|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------|||     \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //          \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //     |im|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------|||
   |  | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x|||  --------------------------------------------------------      --------------------------------------------------------    |  | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x|||
   |  \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //|                             2                                                             2                                |  \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //|
cos|------------------------------------------------------|*e                                                         - I*e                                                        *sin|------------------------------------------------------|
   \                          2                           /                                                                                                                            \                          2                           /
$$- i e^{- \frac{\operatorname{re}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2}} \sin{\left(\frac{\operatorname{im}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2} \right)} + e^{- \frac{\operatorname{re}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2}} \cos{\left(\frac{\operatorname{im}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2} \right)}$$
                                                                / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\          / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\                                                             
                                                                | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         ||          | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         ||                                                             
   /  / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\\  -re|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------||       -re|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------||     /  / /             3*I*x                    I*x      \\\
   |  | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         |||     | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x||          | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x||     |  | |        4*I*e                    4*I*e         |||
   |im|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------|||     \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //          \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //     |im|W|- --------------------- + ---------------------|||
   |  | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x|||  --------------------------------------------------------      --------------------------------------------------------    |  | |         2*I*x    4*I*x          2*I*x    4*I*x|||
   |  \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //|                             2                                                             2                                |  \ \  1 + 2*e      + e        1 + 2*e      + e     //|
cos|------------------------------------------------------|*e                                                         - I*e                                                        *sin|------------------------------------------------------|
   \                          2                           /                                                                                                                            \                          2                           /
$$- i e^{- \frac{\operatorname{re}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2}} \sin{\left(\frac{\operatorname{im}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2} \right)} + e^{- \frac{\operatorname{re}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2}} \cos{\left(\frac{\operatorname{im}{\left(W\left(- \frac{4 i e^{3 i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1} + \frac{4 i e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2} \right)}$$
     / /    /     2*I*x\  I*x\\       / /    /     2*I*x\  I*x\\
     | |4*I*\1 - e     /*e   ||       | |4*I*\1 - e     /*e   ||
   re|W|---------------------||   I*im|W|---------------------||
     | |       2*I*x    4*I*x||       | |       2*I*x    4*I*x||
     \ \1 + 2*e      + e     //       \ \1 + 2*e      + e     //
 - ---------------------------- - ------------------------------
                2                               2               
$$e^{- \frac{\operatorname{re}{\left(W\left(\frac{4 i \left(1 - e^{2 i x}\right) e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2} - \frac{i \operatorname{im}{\left(W\left(\frac{4 i \left(1 - e^{2 i x}\right) e^{i x}}{e^{4 i x} + 2 e^{2 i x} + 1}\right)\right)}}{2}}$$
exp(-re(LambertW(4*i*(1 - exp(2*i*x))*exp(i*x)/(1 + 2*exp(2*i*x) + exp(4*i*x))))/2 - i*im(LambertW(4*i*(1 - exp(2*i*x))*exp(i*x)/(1 + 2*exp(2*i*x) + exp(4*i*x))))/2)