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(x+2)e^x equation

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(x + 2)*E  = 0
$$e^{x} \left(x + 2\right) = 0$$
The graph
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x1 = -2
$$x_{1} = -2$$
x1 = -2
Numerical answer [src]
x1 = -83.1789726997072
x2 = -32.2742313644863
x3 = -59.3470343910748
x4 = -103.109329237227
x5 = -115.080930865701
x6 = -73.2319064024203
x7 = -55.3950840173982
x8 = -67.2735421114241
x9 = -71.2447823410302
x10 = -35.9540517145623
x11 = -79.1981473783759
x12 = -39.7592416454249
x13 = -75.2198969347223
x14 = -119.072920781941
x15 = -37.8463765939876
x16 = -105.10407015753
x17 = -41.6870583075465
x18 = -47.5287883412543
x19 = -81.1882678183563
x20 = -65.2896724119287
x21 = -51.4541901054407
x22 = -107.099039845199
x23 = -113.085180982879
x24 = -101.114833112977
x25 = -109.094223645316
x26 = -89.1541152286569
x27 = -87.1619388762717
x28 = -85.1702113647074
x29 = -43.6261544568938
x30 = -111.089608132217
x31 = -49.4891864944529
x32 = -34.0913241206348
x33 = -93.1396752246407
x34 = -57.369883839131
x35 = -61.3262172000187
x36 = -99.1205993527235
x37 = -117.076847342498
x38 = -2.0
x39 = -121.06914228288
x40 = -91.146704685936
x41 = -45.5740005056864
x42 = -95.1329980618501
x43 = -97.1266472537626
x44 = -77.2086687051389
x45 = -63.3071694941258
x46 = -53.4230249783974
x47 = -69.2586229734047
x47 = -69.2586229734047