Mister Exam

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5*x^12-12*x^10-5*x^8-8*x^6+7*x^4-12*x^2-1=0 equation

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Numerical solution:

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The solution

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   12       10      8      6      4       2        
5*x   - 12*x   - 5*x  - 8*x  + 7*x  - 12*x  - 1 = 0
$$\left(- 12 x^{2} + \left(7 x^{4} + \left(- 8 x^{6} + \left(- 5 x^{8} + \left(5 x^{12} - 12 x^{10}\right)\right)\right)\right)\right) - 1 = 0$$
Numerical answer [src]
x1 = -0.436618744588831 - 0.957321364322621*i
x2 = 0.281676227588502*i
x3 = -0.436618744588831 + 0.957321364322621*i
x4 = 0.821911078567172 + 0.40634966545203*i
x5 = -0.281676227588502*i
x6 = 0.821911078567172 - 0.40634966545203*i
x7 = -0.821911078567172 + 0.40634966545203*i
x8 = 1.70591983668516
x9 = 0.436618744588831 - 0.957321364322621*i
x10 = -0.821911078567172 - 0.40634966545203*i
x11 = -1.70591983668516
x12 = 0.436618744588831 + 0.957321364322621*i
x12 = 0.436618744588831 + 0.957321364322621*i